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Title: FAR 2018/05 - Stock assessment of tarakihi off the east coast of mainland New Zealand
FAR-2018-05-TAR-stock-assessment.pdf (3.6 MB)
 The stock structure of tarakihi in New Zealand coastal waters is reviewed. The review supports the hypothesis that tarakihi off the east coasts of the South and North Islands (including TAR 3, TAR 2 and eastern TAR 1) belong to a single, inter-connected stock. A stock assessment was conducted for the eastern stock of tarakihi, including the estimation of current stock status and yields.
FAR: 2018/05;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-797-1;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR 1; TAR 2; TAR 3;
Author: Langley;
Title: Fishery characterisation and Catch-Per-Unit-Effort indices for tarakihi in TAR 1, TAR 2 and TAR 3.
FAR-2017-44-tarakihi-CPUE.pdf (13.2 MB)
Trends in the tarakihi fisheries within TAR 1, TAR 2 and TAR 3 are described for 1989/90–2015/16 fishing years. Standardized CPUE indices are derived for the main fisheries in each fishstock: the trawl and set net fisheries in TAR 3 and trawl fisheries in TAR 2 and three areas of TAR 1 (Bay of Plenty, east Northland and west coast North Island). Trends in the CPUE indices are compared amongst fisheries.
FAR: 2017/44;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-657-8;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR1; TAR2; TAR3;
ResearchField: CPUE, fishery characterisation;
Author: Langley;
Title: Fishery characterisation and age composition of tarakihi in TAR 1, 2 and 3 for 2013/14 and 2014/15
FAR-2017-36-Tarakihi-age-composition.pdf (1.2 MB)
Catch at-age sampling of the TAR 1, 2 & 3 bottom trawl and setnet catches during the 2013–14 and 2014–15 fishing years suggest that tarakihi off the east coast of New Zealand comprise a single stock. Patterns in year class strength suggest that tarakihi recruitment to the east coast fishery largely occurs south of Banks Peninsula. Recruits then progressively move northwards up the coast such that the final destination of the majority of the older tarakihi age classes is east Northland.
FAR: 2017/36;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-639-4;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR 1; TAR 2; TAR 3;
FishingMethod: Bottom trawl, setnet;
Author: Armiger; Beentjes; Bian; Buckthought; Langley; Maolagáin; McKenzie; Middleton; Parker; Parsons; Rush; Smith; Spong; Stevenson; Sutton; Walsh; Wilson;
Title: FAR 2017/03 Catch at age of tarakihi from east coast South Island and Bay of Plenty trawl surveys.
FAR-2017-03-Tarakihi-catch-at-age.pdf (1.0 MB)
Tarakihi population length and age compositions were estimated from inshore bottom trawl surveys on the east coast South Island (ECSI) and Bay of Plenty (BOP). The aim was to investigate temporal trends in age composition, and to determine whether there were spatial differences in length and age between shallow and deep water.
FAR: 2017/03;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-471-0;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Tarakihi;
FishingMethod: bottom trawl;
ResearchField: age composition; Bay of Plenty; bottom trawl; length compositionsl; tarakihi; temporal trends;
Author: Beentjes; Buckthought; Walsh;
Title: FAR 2016/13 Age determination protocol for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus).
FAR-2016-13-TAR-Age-determination-protocol revision.pdf (2.7 MB)
This report documents the age determination protocol for tarakihi, and is a revision of the protocol published in FAR 2014/53, the key amendment concerning the identification of the first annulus. It describes the current scientific methods used in New Zealand for otolith preparation and age determination. Changes in the methodologies used in ageing tarakihi are reported, and a description of the reference collection, and annotated examples of tarakihi otolith preparations are also included.
FAR: 2016/13;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-196-2;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Nemadactylus macropterus; Tarakihi;
ResearchField: age determination; annulus; otolith; tarakihi;
Author: Buckthought; Horn; McKenzie; Ó Maolagáin, C.; Stevenson; Sutton; Walsh;
Title: FAR 2015/74 Characterisation of TAR 1 fisheries and age composition of landings in 2010/11 from Industry at-sea catch sampling.
FAR-2015-74-TAR1-sampling-programme.pdf (1.4 MB)
Results from a TAR 1 at-sea sampling programme conducted by Sanford NZ Ltd and Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd during the 2010­­ –11 fishing year are presented and discussed.  Although the sampling failed to achieve full spatial coverage across TAR 1, spatial coverage was very good in some sub-areas for example the Bay of Plenty. A key recommendation for future industry sampling programmes is for greater emphasis to be placed on data validation and quality assurance, and independent review.
FAR: 2015/74;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-122-1;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Tarakihi;
Stock: TAR 1;
ResearchField: Aoteroa fisheries; fisheruy; Sanford; sea sampling programme; tarakihi;
Author: Cameron; McKenzie; Richard;
Title: FAR 2015/67 Inshore trawl survey of the west coast South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March-April 2015 (KAH1503).
FAR_2015_67_WCSI-Inshore-Trawl-Survey-KAH1503.pdf (7.1 MB)
This report presents results from the random trawl survey KAH1503 at depths of 20–400 m off the west coast of the South Island, and in Tasman and Golden Bays. The survey was optimised to estimate the relative biomass of giant stargazer, red cod, red gurnard, spiny dogfish, and tarakihi. The report details the survey design and methods and provides relative biomass estimates for commercially important species and information for stock assessment and fisheries management advice.
FAR: 2015/67;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-1-77665-086-6;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: giant stargazer; red cod; red gurnard; spiny dogfish; tarakihi;
FishingMethod: Stratified random trawl survey;
ResearchField: Inshore species; Random trawl survey; relative biomass; time series;
Title: FAR 2014/53 Age determination protocol for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus).
FAR_2014_53_2764_INS2012-01 Obj. 1, MS3, RR3 (TAR).pdf (12.2 MB)
This report documents the age determination protocol for tarakihi, describing the current scientific methods used in New Zealand for otolith preparation and age determination to ensure accuracy and consistency over time. A brief history and the changes in the methodologies used in ageing tarakihi are reported, and a description of the reference collection, and annotated examples of tarakihi otolith preparations are also included.
FAR: 2014/53;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43754-6;
ScienceStock: TAR;
Species: Tarakihi;
ResearchField: Age determination protocol;
Author: Buckthought; Horn; McKenzie; Ó Maolagáin, C.; Stevenson; Sutton; Walsh;
Title: FAR 2014/40 Updated CPUE analyses for selected South Island inshore finfish stocks.
FAR_2014_40_2781_Updated CPUE analyses for selected South Island inshore finfish stocks.pdf (4.2 MB)
For many inshore fish species, CPUE indices derived from commercial catch and effort data often represent an important element of the monitoring of the individual fishstocks. The report presents an update (to 2012/13) of 12 standardised CPUE analyses for seven inshore fishstocks: ELE 3, ELE 5, ELE 7, GUR 3, GUR 7, TAR 7, and JDO 7. The report also documents refinements in the generic methodology used to generate an amalgamated CPUE data set from inshore trawl data recorded in two different formats.
FAR: 2014/40;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43721-8;
ScienceStock: ELE; GUR; JDO; TAR;
Species: Elephantfish; gurnard; john dory; tarakihi;
Stock: ELE3; ELE5; ELE7; GUR3; GUR7; JDO7; TAR7;
ResearchField: CPUE analyses;
Author: Langley;
Title: FAR 2014/13 TAR 1, 2 and 3 Fishery Characterisation and CPUE Report
FAR_2014_13_2628_TAR2011-02.pdf (5.6 MB)
Standardised CPUE analyses have been prepared for five mixed target species bottom trawl (BT) fisheries and one target setnet fishery that take tarakihi (TAR).  These analyses are used to monitor TAR stock abundances off the West Coast of the North Island (TAR 1), the East Coasts of the North Island and the Bay of Plenty (TAR 1 and TAR 2), as well as the East Coast of the South Island (TAR 3).
FAR: 2014/13;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-42374-7;
Species: Tarakihi;
Stock: TAR1, 2, 3;
FishingMethod: Bottom trawl; Setnet;
ResearchField: Catch per unit effort; CPUE; Fishery characterisation;
Author: Kendrick; Starr;
Title: Aerial-access recreational harvest estimates for snapper, kahawai, red gurnard, tarakihi and trevally in FMA 1 in 2011–12
FAR_2013_70_2650_MAF2011-02 Obj1 and 2 .pdf (1.2 MB)
An Aerial-Access survey approach was used to estimate the recreational harvest of snapper, kahawai, trevally, gurnard and tarakihi from QMA 1 for the 2011–12 fishing year. This survey approach combines aerial and boat ramp survey data to estimate the harvest taken on each survey day. The harvest estimates reported here are of a similar magnitude to those provided by two other independent and concurrent studies, which suggests that they are reasonably accurate, and fit for management purposes.
FAR: 2013/70;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-42328-0;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: gurnard; kahawai; Snapper; tarakihi; trvally;
ResearchField: Recreational harvest;
Author: Bian; Hartill; Rush;
Title: Stock relationships of tarakihi off the east coast of mainland New Zealand and the feasibility of developing a statistical assessment of the corresponding tarakihi stock(s)
12_30_FAR.pdf (1.0 MB)
The stock structure of tarakihi off the east coast of mainland New Zealand was reviewed based on a comparative analysis of the available data from the TAR 1, TAR 2 and TAR 3 fisheries. The analysis supported two plausible stock hypotheses. Stock assessment models were configured accordingly. However, the resulting models were not considered appropriate for assessment purposes due to the incompatibility of the main data sets and uncertainty related to key model assumptions.
FAR: 2012/30;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-40024-3;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR; Tarakihi;
Stock: TAR;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: east coast; inshore; New Zealand; Stock relationships; stocks; TAR; tarakihi;
Author: Langley; Starr;
Title: Characterisation of TAR 2 & TAR 3 fisheries and age composition of landings in 2010/11.
12_25_FAR.pdf (1.2 MB)
In preparation for an integrated stock assessment of east coast tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus), catch sampling programmes were carried out in the 2010–11 to generate annual estimates of age composition for the commercial TAR 2 catch from the single bottom trawl fisheries in TAR 2 and TAR 3, and the TAR 3 Kaikoura set net fishery using market samples of landed catch. This report summarises the catch at age for the 2010–11 fishing year.
FAR: 2012/25;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-38876-3;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: Tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus);
Stock: TAR 2; TAR 3;
FishingMethod: Bottom trawl; set net;
Author: Beentjes; Fu; Parker;
Title: Age composition of the commercial tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) catch in quota management area TAR 2 in fishery year 2009–2010
11_59_FAR.pdf (708.5 kb)
Age composition of the commercial tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) catch in quota management area TAR 2 in fishery year 2009–2010
FAR: 2011/59;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR2;
Author: Fu; Parker;
Title: TAR 3 catch sampling in 2009–10 and a characterisation of the commercial fishery (1989–90 to 2009–10).
11_52_FAR.pdf (1.3 MB)
TAR 3 catch sampling in 2009–10 and a characterisation of the commercial fishery (1989–90 to 2009–10).
FAR: 2011/52;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR3;
Author: Beentjes;
Title: A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix J: TAR to WWA.
11_47_Species TAR to WWA.pdf (1.4 MB)
A review of hoki and middle-depth trawl surveys of the Chatham Rise, January 1992–2010. Appendix J: TAR to WWA.
FAR: 2011/47;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: Deepwater;
Species: Hoki; TAR to WWA;
Stock: HOK; TAR to WWA;
ResearchField: HOK; Hoki; TAR; WWA;
Author: Fu; Lyon; MacGibbon; O’Driscoll; Stevens;
Title: Inshore trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March–April 2009 (KAH0904)
10_11_FAR.pdf (1.6 MB)
Inshore trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March–April 2009 (KAH0904)
FAR: 2010/11;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: GUR; RCO; SPD; STA; TAR;
Stock: GUR7; RCO7; SPD7; STA7; TAR7;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: Biomass estimate; Trawl survey;
Author: Hanchet; Stevenson;
Title: Fishery characterisations and catch-per-unit-effort indices for three substocks of tarakihi in TAR 1, 1989–90 to 2006–07
09_64_FAR.pdf (1.4 MB)
Fishery characterisations and catch-per-unit-effort indices for three substocks of tarakihi in TAR 1, 1989–90 to 2006–07
FAR: 2009/64;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR1;
FishingMethod: trawl;
ResearchField: CPUE; Fishery Characterisation;
Author: Kendrick;
Title: Inshore trawl survey of Canterbury Bight and Pegasus Bay, May–June 2007 (KAH0705)
\2008 FARs\08_38_FAR.pdf (13.5 MB)
Inshore trawl survey of Canterbury Bight and Pegasus Bay, May–June 2007 (KAH0705)
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: INT2006/02;
FAR: 2008/38;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: DSH; RCO; SPD; SPE; STA; TAR;
Stock: DSH3; RCO3; SPD3; SPE3; STA3; TAR3;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: Trawl survey;
Author: Beentjes; Stevenson;
Title: Factors affecting fish size and landed volumes in the purse-seine and TCEPR charter-boat fisheries in 2004–05 and 2005–06
\2008 FARs\08_32_FAR.pdf (3.6 MB)
Factors affecting fish size and landed volumes in the purse-seine and TCEPR charter-boat fisheries in 2004–05 and 2005–06
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: EMA2004/01; JMA2004/01;
FAR: 2008/32;
ScienceStock: Pelagic;
Species: EMA; JMA; SKJ; TAR; TRE;
Stock: EMA1; EMA2; EMA7; JMA1; JMA3; JMA7; KAH1; TRE1;
FishingMethod: Seine;
ResearchField: Fishery characterisation;
Author: Taylor;
Title: The composition of the commercial and research tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) catch off the west coast of the South Island during the 2004–05 fishing year
\2008 FARs\08_17_FAR.pdf (10.8 MB)
The composition of the commercial and research tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) catch off the west coast of the South Island during the 2004–05 fishing year
Project code: TAR2004/01;
FAR: 2008/17;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR7;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: Catch sampling;
Author: Horn; Manning; Stevenson;
Title: Inshore trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March–April 2007 (KAH0704)
\2007 FARs\07_41_FAR.pdf (2.1 MB)
Inshore trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March–April 2007 (KAH0704)
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: INT2006/01;
FAR: 2007/41;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: GUR; RCO; SPD; STA; TAR;
Stock: GUR7; RCO7; SPD7; STA7; TAR7;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: Biomass; Population structure; Trawl survey;
Author: Stevenson;
Title: Updated catch-per-unit effort indices for three substocks of tarakihi in TAR 1, 19989-90 to 2003-04.
\2006 FARs\06_14_FAR.pdf (6.2 MB)
Updated catch-per-unit effort indices for three substocks of tarakihi in TAR 1, 19989-90 to 2003-04.
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: TAR2004/02;
FAR: 2006/14;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR1;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: CPUE;
Author: Kendrick;
Title: Trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March-April 2005 (KAH0503)
\2006 FARs\06_04_FAR.pdf (3.9 MB)
Trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March-April 2005 (KAH0503)
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: INT2004/01;
FAR: 2006/04;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: GUR; RCO; STA; TAR;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ResearchField: Biomass; Trawl survey;
Author: Stevenson;
Title: Growth and age structure of tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) off the west coast of the South Island
\2004 FARs\04_11_FAR.pdf (670.8 kb)
Growth and age structure of tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) off the west coast of the South Island
Author: Horn; Stevenson;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: TAR2002/01;
ResearchField: Life-history characteristics; Population structure;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR7;
Title: Trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March-April 2003 (KAH0304)
\2004 FARs\04_04_FAR.pdf (1.2 MB)
Trawl survey of the west coast of the South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March-April 2003 (KAH0304)
Author: Stevenson;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: INT2002/02;
ResearchField: Biomass; Trawl survey;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: GUR; RCO; STA; TAR;
Stock: GUR7; RCO7; STA7; TAR7;
Title: Updated catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) analysis for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) in TAR 2 (east coast North Island) and CPUE analysis of tarakihi in Pegasus Bay/Cook Strait (mainly TAR 3)
\2003 FARs\03_53_FAR.pdf (1.2 MB)
Updated catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) analysis for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) in TAR 2 (east coast North Island) and CPUE analysis of tarakihi in Pegasus Bay/Cook Strait (mainly TAR 3)
Author: Hanchet; Phillips;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: CPUE;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR2; TAR3;
Title: Catch-per-unit-effort analysis for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) in TAR 1, 2, 3, and 7
\2001 FARs\01_60_FARD .pdf (2.5 MB)
Catch-per-unit-effort analysis for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) in TAR 1, 2, 3, and 7
Author: Field; Hanchet;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: CPUE;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR1; TAR2; TAR3; TAR7;
Title: Review of current and historical data for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) Fishstocks TAR 1, 2, 3, and 7, and recommendations for future monitoring
\2001 FARs\01_59_FARD .pdf (1.8 MB)
Review of current and historical data for tarakihi (Nemadactylus macropterus) Fishstocks TAR 1, 2, 3, and 7, and recommendations for future monitoring
Author: Field; Hanchet;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: CPUE; Life-history characteristics;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;
Stock: TAR1; TAR2; TAR3; TAR7;
Title: Areas of importance for spawning, pupping or egg-laying, and juveniles of New Zealand coastal fish
ENV1999-03 Coastal Fish NZ Objective 1 Final.pdf (14.2 MB)
Areas of importance for spawning, pupping or egg-laying, and juveniles of New Zealand coastal fish. 

 Coastal Fish NZ Objective 1 Final(Objective 1)
Author: ; Bagley; Francis; Griggs; Hurst; Morrison; Stevenson;
FishingMethod: ; Seine; trawl;
ResearchField: Habitat classification; juvinile habitat; literature review; spawning areas; trawl survey;
ScienceStock: Benthic; Iinshore; Middle Depths;
Stock: ; Juvinile; Spawing;
Title: Trawl survey of red gurnard, john dory, tarakihi and associated species off the Bay of Plenty, North Island, February 1999 (KAH9902)
INT9803 Survey Red Gurnard John Dory Tarakihi Bay of Plenty KAH9902 final.pdf (1.2 MB)
Trawl survey of red gurnard, john dory, tarakihi and associated species off the Bay of Plenty, North Island, February 1999 (KAH9902)
Author: Morrison; Parkinson;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
INT9803: .;
ResearchField: Trawl survey;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: GUR; JDO; TAR;
Stock: GUR2; JDO2; TAR2;
Title: Review of the inshore trawl survey series along the east coast North Island 1993-96
INT9801 Survey East coast North Island Final.pdf (2.5 MB)
Review of the inshore trawl survey series along the east coast North Island 1993-96
Author: Hanchet; Stevenson;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
INT9801: .;
ResearchField: Trawl survey;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: SKI; SNA; TAR; TRE;
Title: Review of the west coast South Island inshore trawl survey series (1992-1997)
INT9801 Survey West coast South Island Final.pdf (3.2 MB)
Review of the west coast South Island inshore trawl survey series (1992-1997)
Author: Hanchet; Stevenson;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
INT9801: .;
ResearchField: Trawl survey;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: GSH; GUR; RCO; TAR;
Title: Tarakihi
\1988 FARDs\88_28_FARD.pdf (705.6 kb)
Author: Annala;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Fishery characterisation;
ScienceStock: Inshore;
Species: TAR;